Unfortunately, Perspective is earned through suffering, or at least wading through adversity. And therein lies the subtle tragedy of the play we're all forced to perform. For if ascribing reason to the Universe's questions is the path to happiness, its pursuit requires us to unlock the box handed down from the heavens. As with the Tree of Life to our primordial ancestors, we are inexorably drawn to poke at the beast; for its the pain from long-healed scars that reminds us that we are human; of the world we could be in, but are not. Without pain, there can be no relief; light without darkness; hope without despair.
The best actors refuse to admit that there even is a play. Idyllic fantasies of endless feasts without something having to give up its life to cater to the whims of an insatiable mob. Life is the serendipitous byproduct of an orb that inherently involves destruction.
It is a shame that the very path to Perspective often leads to a complete loss of faith, be it in humanity, 'the system' or whoever we see fit to lay blame for our own deficiencies in perseverance. It may be an evolutionary survival-skill for the psyche to dwell in our pasts which invariably seems to only consist of snippets of a black history, but the moment it blinds us to what 'is', we are lost in a bottomless spiral of self-destructive patterns.
Open your eyes. Look through the insurmountable decay to the saplings which spring from it.