Sunday, June 24, 2007

Snips, snails and puppy dog tails.

Little boys' room at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport

I guess my recipe for cabbage and beans in radish-hummus has gained popularity sooner than expected. Or maybe Dallas was paid a visit by a certain Omani bovine.


Balaji Sharma said...

lol. How do you manage to find these da? Nice one yett egain. Keep them coming.

PS. You for a ban against cow slaughter now :p ?

Grease Monk said...

hell no! all the more reason to eat em! read the end quote in the linked article at the end of my post.

The Depressed Doormat said...

I'm sorry to be the one to burst your bubble benji. But we are contributing to the problem more than reducing it, by eating beef i.e. Read about it in my comment to buh.

Praveen said...

You put the turd in basturd! !@#$% didnt realise the sneaky hyperlink at the end... :P

Grease Monk said...

glad to be of service.