Saturday, July 07, 2007

Gastric Pentameter

In a recent interview with the Nubile Virgins Society:
you're the high brow intellectual big-word using writer that no one understands
In response:

the sky is blue,
toilet paper is meant for doo doo,
i like beef stoo

Take that you elitist big-wigs. I fart in your general direction.

NB: I have recently been informed by the aforementioned society that this is, in fact, a Haiku and not Pentameter as the title suggests. Guess what... I still fart in your general direction. In fact, I'm going to find me some coleslaw right now.


Pravin said...

which member of the NVS was this?

Balaji Sharma said...

Haha...I could lend a helping hand... err ..y'know what, with the fart part. My fart travels in all general directions with lethal repercussions.

Grease Monk said...

ah halved lung capacity can vouch for that...or maybe its the smokes. tomato tomato.

Grease Monk said...

as for which member of the NVS this was, I'm not at liberty to say. Just after the interview, certain procreative acts voided her membership with the society and i dont think it appropriate to bring her identity into the light so as to not receive the scorn of her former clan-mates.

Balaji Sharma said...

Pardon my ignorance here, but wasn't the NVS member's statement supposed to be a compliment of sorts? Not everyone understood Einstein either, though he was incapable of Haikus and Pentameters.

Grease Monk said...

what!? you dare question my interpretation of her comments and attempt to rob me of the pleasure of over reacting in a poetic display of derogatory verbiage!? hmph! compliment indeed!

Pravin said...

the reason i asked was that the NVS IS an organization composed of millions of Vs. i dont really care . Vs piss me off. And im not talking GS. (G for golden)